RangeTo Method

Wintellect PowerCollections

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[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Returns a View collection that can be used for enumerating a range of the items in the set.. Only items that are less than (and optionally, equal to) to are included. The items are enumerated in sorted order. Items equal to to can be included or excluded depending on the toInclusive parameter.

Namespace: Wintellect.PowerCollections
Assembly:  PowerCollections (in PowerCollections.dll)


public OrderedSet<T>.OrderedSet<(Of <T>)>..::View RangeTo(
	T to,
	bool toInclusive
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Function RangeTo ( _
	to As T, _
	toInclusive As Boolean _
) As OrderedSet<(Of <T>)>..::View
Visual C++
OrderedSet<(Of <T>)>..::View^ RangeTo (
	T to, 
	bool toInclusive


The upper bound of the range.
If true, the upper bound is inclusive--items equal to the upper bound will be included in the range. If false, the upper bound is exclusive--items equal to the upper bound will not be included in the range.

Return Value

An OrderedSet.View of items in the given range.


Typically, this method is used in conjunction with a foreach statement. For example:

 Copy imageCopy Code
             foreach(T item in set.RangeTo(to, false)) {
                // process item

If an item is added to or deleted from the set while the View is being enumerated, then the enumeration will end with an InvalidOperationException.

Calling RangeTo does not copy the data in the tree, and the operation takes constant time.

See Also